

Statistics say that almost each fifth household today has a dog. And regardless of the number of pets, only one reality is certain: owners spend a lot of money on them - according to the 2019 pet study, an estimated 5.6 billion euro a year. That's more than half of the expenditure on all pets in Germany!

In addition, pet food sales alone increase every year. It has also been found that new trends have been observed in dog and cat food in recent years: be it vegetarian chew sticks, vegan snacks or insect or vegetable-based food.
Food is by no means everything when it comes to keeping pets. What else do people spend on their pets? It also showed that pet owners are more willing to take out health insurance for their four-legged friends and pay for life-saving treatments. In total, they spend 1.8 to 2 billion euro on vets. People invest just over a billion in accessories such as collars, baskets or scratching posts. Pet groomers generate 65 million euro in sales, and pet undertakers generate 40 million euro a year.
Another interesting fact is that pet owners care more about their dogs than their cats. For example, only 11% of the surveyed said they were willing to pay for life-sustaining measures for a cat.
Spending so much money! Is that a disaster when it comes to your favorite pet? Everyone makes their own decisions. But according to the study, up to 200,000 jobs depend on pet ownership. So pets take money then they give it back to the social system.

What things do you spend money on for your pet?

#Geldfürhunde #Hunde #Dogs #moneyfordogs
2024-08-23 12:24 ENG